Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quote of the day.

Churchill: "We will fight them on the beaches,..."

Reagan: "Tear down this wall!"

Obama: "Follow me on twitter."

(spotted on People's Cube)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Nice guys really do finish last.

At least in some cases.This explains a heck of a lot of my younger years. Sure wish I'da seen this when I was in high school...Ah, coulda/shoulda/woulda. Hopefully my wife won't see this and start second guessing herself. (via instapundit)

If you can't control the message...

...then attack the messengers.

(from Politico): Media Matter's war against Fox. 

These folks can't compete in the marketplace of ideas, and with the new media's insistence on doing the job that other networks are supposed to be doing, they never will be able to compete.

So...the new strategy is:  ignore the stories, but try to destroy the people reporting them.  Nice.

Media Matters at least provides a glimpse into thugocracies like Venezuela, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, Iran...

In fact, they'd feel right at home there.

Laws are for,know, the little people

Wisconsin GOP Investigates Illegal Political Activity, Makes the Left Angry.

Because laws, like taxes, are for the little people.

(From Red State)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

England's Socialist-Anarchist Problems

The Human Right To Suspend Reality, as Mark Steyn puts it. The best line I've heard about these layabouts in revolt:

"Nobody in the Socialist Workers’ Party actually works, which is one reason why it’s Mitteleuropeans frothing your coffee rather than any of the natives."

Which to me seems to be all too true:  the folks that are bitching the loudest about not getting their handouts are the ones that don't actually need handouts. It seems like the proletariats are not actually the ones stirring controversy; it's the bourgeoisie feeling smug enough to tell everybody else what they ought to be doing, thinking, or getting, at everyone elses' expense. Once again, the proletariats end up being pawns to ease the guilt of the loud-mouthed punks raising mayhem for purposes that are muddled at best, and shockingly dangerous to freedom, democracy, and individual rights in a just civilization.

Monday, March 21, 2011

SEIU--a.k.a. Purple-People-Beaters--hit with RICO lawsuit

I just had to post this story on Big Government because I wanted to preserve for posterity the phrase "Purple People Beaters" on this blog. Now that's funny stuff! (Although it can't rise to the level of being really hilarious because it is so true.)  (via Instapundit)

Fashion Tips For That Cosmopolitan Burka-Babe Jihadist

For the "You're not going to believe this" category: A fashion magazine--for suicide bomber chicks.

No, honest, it's not a parody.  In the Daily Mail online, this story (via Barcepundit). Because, you know, a girl needs to look her best before she paints the town red--er, literally. I mean, what lip gloss shade goes best with intestinal grey? That is apparently a weighty question for these hirsute hotties.

These are the folks we're fighting against.  If they can keep their people religiously oppressed long enough to make them miserable, then turning them into your personal army of suicide zombies by promising a paradise won't be that hard.  This is stone-age brutality attempting to control the 21st century. In their eyes, you don't belong in it if you believe in freedom or liberty or justice of any sort.

How can we NOT fight against that?

On a side note:  Have you ever noticed that Bin Laden hasn't personally stepped up to the plate and detonated his TNT cummerbund in a crowd of kids yet? Or Ahmadinejad?  Or Qaddafi?

Why bother when Palestinian chicks are so willing and available?


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Union Thugs Destroy Recall Petitions

via RedState, this video and accompanying article:

Why is it that the words "Union" and "Thug" seem to always appear next to each other? I think that they've become synonymous.

Yet another story that will be buried by the legacy media because it doesn't fit their narrative.

GM & GE, aka Government Motors & Government Electric.

Interesting article at exposing some effects of government takeovers of corporations--and how we're being lied to on many different levels. I might suggest that the Volt, which had been hyped as an all-electric vehicle before the truth came out (it is really a hybrid, just like the Prius) be rolled out again in a new P.R. campaign to make over its image.  They can call by its new name: the Chevy "Re-Volt".

On page two of this article we see how the sales numbers for the product from one government-owned company are being propped up by purchases by another government-owned company, thereby cutting those pesky consumers out of the process and doing an end around on free market capitalism.  You and I still get to pay the bill, though.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Now these are some ugly birds.

There is something to be said for anything that flies.  That being said, some are more graceful (or, in a few cases, graceless) than others.  Here is one author's list, from

I've got a couple that I'd like to add, however.

The Short Seamew:
Let me just say here that the Short company seems to have had a love affair with ugly airplanes--their boxcar-like cargo birds, for example--but the Seamew has to take the cake. And this was from 1951, when folks should've known better. I don't know if it really flew, or if the ground just rejected it.

Another candidate: The Blom und Voss 141 recon bird. I've always been convinced that this one was designed and built on a dare.
And who can forget the Super Guppy?

Poetry in motion.  Poetry, as in: "I once knew a man from Nantucket..."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Paul Krugman spouts bilge about education, gets schooled by Iowahawk

Here's the link:

And here's an update:

This is some quality Iowahawk analysis, with only a smattering of his normally effuse sarcastic wit thrown in to keep your mind from buzzing too much.  There is some coarse (but appropriate, in my view) language included, so if you're offended by that, close your eyes as they pass over them.

Facts like these are the type that should be covered by the legacy media, but since that would be in direct conflict with their pre-conceived narrative, it's up to folks like us to make sure that they have the broadest distribution as possible.

These guys have a surplus of gonadal fortitude.

The only thing that anyone can say is...Wow. Over and over again.

I had to find this and post this after seeing this in an email years ago, and recently describing a team of stunt pilots flying AT-6 Texans(World War II era advanced trainers)dragging their tires on the water to someone who (understandably) had a hard time swallowing my story. Well, here it is--seeing is believing: