Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shenanigans update: more allegations of democratic absentee voter fraud

 Allegations of Absentee Voter Fraud in Philly

Of course. Remember the New Black Panther's  non-prosecution of voter intimidation?  City of Brotherly Love...yeah, right.

Once again, any allegations from the other side?

[insert crickets chirping here...]

Update: "Call Me Senator" Boxer's "Senate Ethics" displayed--the sequel

via Daily Caller: 

Boxer faces ethics complaint for telling teachers to send students to work for campaign

Apparently, your kids are fair game.  And besides the obvious ethics issues, aren't there some kind of child labor laws on the books these days?

California, group your poop and get this gal out of our lives this election, wouldja?  I mean, you've gotten it wrong three times straight...let's pony up and get it right this time, okay? Please? Geez-Laaweez.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Culture Shock, Indeed.

CBSnews, via

North Korea: Surreal Land of the Kims

So What Is The Problem With The Economy?

H/T instapundit:  2011 Business Tax Climate: Chilliest in Blue States

"Interestingly, all ten of the states with the worst business tax climates voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, and five of the ten states with the best business tax climates voted for John McCain (and eight of the ten voted for George Bush in 2004)."

Looks like the new manufacturing Mecca is going to be...flyover country.

I KNEW There Was Something Different About That Guy In School...

From NBC San Diego, via Drudge Report:

Scientists Find 'Liberal Gene'

So...Social Butterfly = Shallow Thinker?  Wow!  Never saw that one coming! (Oops!  Did I say that out loud?)

This reminds me of a quote I read by the science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein: 

"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

Of course, all of these guys could be completely wrong...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

...and some other voting shenanigans:

I've noticed a pattern here...let's see, don't tell me...Oh, that's it!  Virtually EVERY case of potential voter fraud that I've seen in the last two elections all favor the same party!  How did that happen? There's this:

Then there is this:

For more detail, read this: (read the whole thing)

Actually, this site pretty well sums up the whole situation to date (including a serendipitous article title--honest, I didn't steal it!) (H/T: Conservative Hideout

And who can forget the whole widespread and institutional ACORN voter fraud nonsense from two years ago?

Now, given the slant of the legacy media, you just know that if there were ANY examples of Republican voter fraud, it would be in two inch headlines everywhere, 24-7.  So far, all I hear are the crickets chirping...

Geez, whoda thot?

From the Washington Examiner, via Drudge:

Barbara 'Call Me Senator" Boxer shows her "Senatorial Ethics"

From Roger Simon at  Breaking News

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thoughts on a third party approach for the Tea Party--

I am old enough to remember the effects of the last third party candidacy (when Ross Perot selfishly gave us the "gift" of the Clinton years), and I am not a big fan of the idea. 

Yes, I am familiar with the arguments of how a "true democracy allows for all voices", et cetera.  But the fact is that the United States is not a "true democracy", it is a Republic, and the system set up by our forefathers does not lend itself well to a multi party system.  It boils down to this truism, which anyone remembering their playground days can attest to:  When you have a group of three, it always comes down to two against one. 

What we need in government is One against One. The problem that we've had over the last couple of decades is that it hasn't really been one against one, it's been more like a juvenile delinquent and a little brother, both engaged in mischief.  When the Republican Party lost its way sometime after 1994, it became, in effect, the little brother that could easily be talked into partaking in the same malfeasance that the democrat big brother raiding the cookie jar, over and over and over again.

  They've gotten away with it because the adults (the voters) have not been paying attention.  Now, with the advent of the New Media--and in spite of the old Legacy Media--we have a much more informed electorate, and  we have refocused like a laser on the elements of the system that have been running amok.

With both parties having the full and undivided attention of the voters, we have an excellent opportunity to hold them accountable.  A third party will not accomplish that, it will only dilute the focus.  A threat of a third party is, however, a valuable tool for keeping one (or both) parties at bay. It's simple, really.  The elitist career politicians on both sides of the aisle crave power, and they need to be reminded that the power switch lies with the people, not themselves. A third party will only give them a better grip on power.
We will need to walk back about 80 years of progressive/socialist-democratic policies in order to reconcile the current political situation with the original American Dream.  That is not going to happen in any one person's tenure in office.  We will need to make a pragmatic approach, and recognize that we will be taking many, many measured steps to arrive at a long term correction.  The ultimate objective of the Tea Party is absolutely the goal to be aimed at...but we won't get there if we try to take the shortcut and go the third party route. 

That's not to say that if the Republicans don't toe the line, they can't be replaced by another, more effective party. I'm just saying that now is not the time. We must balance the romance of the grand vision the Tea Party offers with a pragmatic, long term grind geared to chip away at the monolith of progressive government intrusion. This election is the first step on a long journey.  Let’s not try to leap to a solution--and end up falling down the slope of democratic socialism. 

From CNS Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker Pelosi Vowed, 'No New Deficit Spending'

"After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go, no new deficit spending,” Pelosi said in her speech from the speaker’s podium. “Our new America will provide unlimited opportunity for future generations, not burden them with mountains of debt."

And this surprises who?

November 2nd can't come soon enough.

This is probably the best campaign ad that I've seen this season:

CALL ME SENATOR! (for a little while longer....)

Friday, October 22, 2010

The First Punk Generation President

It recently occurred to me that Barack Obama, our would-be Saviour and Benifactor, is about the same age as me...and that scares the bejesus out of me.

If you are close to my age too (I remember installing a new under dash 8-track deck in my truck in high school--that should tell you where I fit into the baby boomer generation) you already know that we were in grade school at the beginning of the "Social Engineering and Experimentation" phase of education in America, when just about every half-baked theory and left-leaning rubric, if you'll allow me to use the current jargon, was foisted on us by a the "experts" of education (with generally dismal results, in my opinion).

"Competition is bad for our little whelps. In order to prove how much we care about them, we need to nurture their sense of self-esteem and eliminate individual achievement," seemed to be their mantra.

(Hmmmm...sound remotely--well, marxist, doesn't it? I wonder where that influence came from? But I digress.)

The result of this was that over the past we as a nation have been raising an expanding percentage of arrogant punks from adolescence into adulthood.

Fast forward 40-odd years, and cue Barack Hussein Obama (Mmmm-Mmmm-Mmmm!)  During the campaign Obama's self esteem began to appear from behind the curtain of pseudo-modesty constructed by his handlers and the legacy media. Since his election, the modesty curtain has completely evaporated, and the true extent of his collosal ego has become clear.

Writing two books about himself before he actually accomplished anything should have warned the country what we had in store.  But who could imagine someone so utterly devoid of decorum and humility that they would give the Queen of England an IPod--like you can get at any Wal Mart--pre-loaded with his own speeches!  He backed up that spectacular failure of grace by giving Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of England, a few Wal-Mart quality movie DVDs (that were copied in the wrong format for Great Britain).

Now I'm just a hick from the sticks, and about as far removed from the Ivy league-Gentry Class as you can get, but even I can understand how completely clueless and classless that manuever was. 

And that was only the beginning.  Over the past three years, the embarassingly inappropriate displays of hubris have only multiplied.(See here, here, here, here, and here for just a few examples of the many available.)

Which makes me wonder:  What is it going to take for Obama to come back and tread the earth with all of us mere mortals? 

With any luck, the results of the mid-term elections might be a start.